About Us

The roots of BUCKLAND AND BETCHWORTH CHORAL SOCIETY go back as far as 1923. What started as a small group of amateur singers from two Surrey villages has grown over the years, and has now attracted new members from much further afield.


Following our 2023 Centenary we are looking forward to our continuing longevity in 2024 and beyond!


The music we sing comes from a wide repertoire. Of course we still love to sing the classic works of Mendelssohn, Bach and Haydn, but we also enjoy immersing ourselves in lesser known works by composers both contemporary and ancient.

The choir has always been delighted to welcome new singers and, unlike some choral societies, we never do auditions nor judge anyone by either their experience or their ability. Indeed we have plenty of members who joined never having sung in a choir before.


We do also have more experienced singers for whom there will always be more challenging opportunities both in smaller ensemble groups and contributing to major choral works rehearsed and performed in conjunction with other choirs.


If you would like to see how we sing together, please come and join us on any Wednesday evening during term time and sing in a BBCS rehearsal for yourself. You don't need an appointment and you will be very welcome.